Officially a P2! (Second year pharmacy student)
This academic year has been a trying one, getting used to a whole system and building a routine, seeing what works for you but I have definitely learned a lot, and cannot wait to mentor the incoming class.
I must say I'm very proud of myself, not to boast, but many of my classmates from the fall semester did not see the spring semester, or they failed courses which they must retake in the summer. I NEVER want to take summer courses because that prohibits you from enjoying your summer where you could work or perhaps do some traveling, since your first two summer are free. In the summer of your P3 year is when you begin your rotations so if you fail a course, you automatically delay your expected graduation year.
Being a pharmacy student is not solely about academics, though it is an very important part of the role. But essentially, you are being trained to be a professional, which means you must be well-rounded but there is nothing awkward than trying to communicate with a health professional that cannot understand or relate to you.
If you were to ask others about me, they would tell you I have a heart of service, love helping others and donating my free time to volunteer. I also love being involved, or a sense of belonging, so I am truly grateful for the positions I hold in organizations at school: Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity Inc. Delta Theta Chapter: Co-Chaplain. African Pharmacy Student Association: President-Elect. American Pharmacist Association: Membership Vice President. I encourage everyone to get involved and active in school organizations, just as long as it doesn't affect your academics, but I believe it allows you to learn how to manage your time as well as work with others.
I was also blessed with the opportunity to be a Pharmacist Intern at Walgreen's Pharmacy. What's special about this particular location that I am working at, is that besides it being fairly new, but its innovative and developing practice is going to be the future of other Walgreen's.
Overall, I'm happy in this stage of life because I know it can only get better from here!
xo Sally Ifeoma